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Тема: Уведомления на почту

  1. #1
    Аватар для Chade
    Chade offline СуперСтар Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute

    Уведомления на почту

    Хэлп. Перестали приходить на почту уведомления о ЛС и сообщения в отмеченных темах (((

  2. #2
    Аватар для Chade
    Chade offline СуперСтар Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute
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    а в спаме смотрела?
    Проверю сегодня.
    Да, смотрела, нету ( Спасибо, Тань.

  3. #3
    Аватар для Chade
    Chade offline СуперСтар Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute
    Тань, не удалось вчера посмотреть?

  4. #4
    Аватар для Chade
    Chade offline СуперСтар Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute Chade has a reputation beyond repute
    Уведомления так и не приходят ((((

  5. #5
    Аватар для dashenkar
    dashenkar offline СуперСтар dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of
    вот и стали приходить все сразу

  6. #6
    Аватар для dashenkar
    dashenkar offline СуперСтар dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of dashenkar has much to be proud of
    Цитата Сообщение от Lk. Посмотреть сообщение
    так это меня Chade на выходных пнула
    Спасибо ей.